to 22.10. Kuka/Himera: Marisa Anderson (us)

Aloittaja karol, 20:27:15 - 09.10.2015

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Himera esittää: MARISA ANDERSON (US)
To 22.10. klo 21:00
Bar Kuka
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Marisa Anderson lopetti high schoolin 19-vuotiaana, käveli läpi Yhdysvaltojen ja eli 15 vuotta ns. tien päällä. Nykyään hän on liikkuvainen ja vahvoja teesejä soittava kitaristi, jonka musiikki nojaa luontevasti moneen suuntaan: delta bluesiin, Länsi-Afrikaan, Appalakkeihin, country & westerniin, gospeliin, noiseen. Anderson leikkii kitaran kielillä, niiden ääni on tuoretta, herkkää ja erityisen lämmintä. Keikoillaan hän soittaa sekä omia sävellyksiään että traditionaaleja, ja viime vuosina Andersonin musiikkia on julkaissut mm. Mississippi Records ja Grapefruit.

Walking across America at 19 years old just might be one of the reasons why Marisa Anderson's music is so fluid with folk, blues and country, encapturing this restless soul.

A fluid, emotional and dexterous guitar style inspired by Delta blues, West African guitar, Appalachian mountain music, vintage country & Western, gospel, noise and rhythm gives Marisa an edge all of her own. Three albums and a host of limited releases in, her acoustic and electric guitar playing is compelling: she effortlessly veers from delicate to distorted, adrift to serene, tight-woven to unbound. Deep within the heart of her music lie melodies and rhythms that she plays around with with such a tactile sense that things are always fresh, warm and above all tender.

Marisa's recent recordings on labels like Mississippi Records and Grapefruit are testament to her range, while her live shows have gotten more and more powerful, pulling off all kind of twists, improvisations and lyrical sweeps within her own compositions and the traditionals she adores drawing upon. With a varied show full of folk tales and subtle cross-temporal associations, she can makehairs bristle and feet stomp.

Before landing in Portland, USA in the late nineties, Anderson dropped out of college at age nineteen to walk across the United States and didn't stop travelling for fifteen years. Her music is a direct result of this peripatetic existence, reflecting years of living in cars, tents and buses, traveling to Mexico with a circus, walking, hitchhiking and always playing guitar. Recently, Anderson's music has been much in demand as a touring act, and has seen her play with Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Beth Ditto, Sharon Van Etten and on a Mississippi Records tour. Her writings on music and activism have appeared in Bitch Magazine, Leaf Litter, and in the book Rock 'n' Roll Camp for Girls.

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