Joku kiva tyyppi on editoinu eng subs yhelle loistava ranskalaiselle post-68 henkiselle utopistileffalle. Pienellä budgetilla tehty vuonna 73, legendaarinen leffa hippien/punkkareiden piireissä, suosittelen jos joku jaksaa kuulla 1,5t ranskan kieliä ja nauttia utopisti-absurdi leffasta.
"We stop everything and think"
"We are told: Happiness is the progress, so make a step forward and it is progress ... but it's never happiness. So what if we make a step aside, what if we try something new!
1973 film that brought many well-known actors, from Coluche to Prevost through Depardieu, Lermitte, Jugnot and many others. This film is a remnant of post-68 libertarian ideas .
It shows a society that has left the logic of productivism and capitalism behind, a society where people take their lives back, where they decide what is good for them, where they refuse to be imposed a behavior and a moral by a pseudo elite ... in short, a society where people stop being spectators of their lives.
In this, The Year 01 is a film that presents the libertarian ideas, and shows what an anarchist society might look like.
* Note for the year 1973: in January 73 was passed a law (No. 73-7) prohibiting the Bank of France to accord loans to the state, condemning France to turn to private banks and to pay interests. It is from this year that increased public debt. Basically this debt, which they keep flapping our ears with nowadays, was wanted by the government of the day, and approved by the following since nothing was done to change the system''