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Out now on NEKOREKORDS: split tape from Todd Barton / Curtis Roads with unreleased new material from both!
1:1 dubbed C-40 Chrome tapes, 150 made. 6e + shipping
Prof. Curtis Roads (CA, USA) has influenced tons of people with his explorations in granular synthesis in the 70's, his books on computer sounds, and with his music, which has shaped, among others, the sound of Autechre. Here we have a very noisy version of a new composition called "Then", specially driven in the red for this release. Pointillistic and harsh!!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cucV1I1hNMgTodd Barton (OR, USA) is a lecturer and flag-carrier for Buchla synths. Tirelessly exploring the possibilities of this infinitely configurable modular beast, we hear 2 long pieces in the spirit of Krell music, that is: linear compositions of outerworldly space contemplations, balancing between controlled chaos and clarity, with a touch of a distant future from a parallel past.
seuraavana sitten MAAAA / UMPIO split tape, myöh Riko Goto Trio livelevy...