3.9 ÅCoD presents 3rd Trip / Craneium / 8½ + DJs.

Aloittaja ChurchofDoom, 02:41:27 - 21.07.2015

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Elikkä elikkä, The TVO takeover!

"The legendary TVO has risen again, this time near Logomo (the wrong side of the tracks, as Lemmy put it). So come enjoy an evening with three bands in the riff-filled land"

3rd Trip (HKI)
are the prime movers of bluesy desert sounds in Finland. Tight jams and psychedelic heaviness from a loud power trio - what could be better? For fans of Brant Bjork and Fu Manchu

Craneium (TKU) have sweated themselves though 35 live shows the last three years and are about to release a full-lenght album when the stars are right. For fans of Truckfighters, Red Fang and Kyuss.

8½ (TKU) sweep anyone off their feet, or force them into shoegazing pogo steps. With melodic postpunk hedonism and echo-drenched overdrive, anything is possible. For fans of The Cure, Bob Hund and Sonic Youth

5 euros, 19.00 - 00 ! Åbo Church of Doom DJs all night.


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Visions through THC