Keskustelu / Diskussion / Discussion => Musiikki => Aiheen aloitti: Vekenator - 21:14:13 - 06.10.2015

Otsikko: Mansion: Altar Sermon mLP + uus musavideo linjoilla
Kirjoitti: Vekenator - 21:14:13 - 06.10.2015
Altar Sermon musiikkivideon voi tsekkailla täällä: (

Lainaus käyttäjältä: decibelmagazine.comJust in time for us to put our special Finnish Metal Issue to bed, an epic doom-rock journey from Turku's haunting Mansion. Enjoy the eerie clean vocals and slow melodic burn of the "Altar Sermon" video, from the EP of the same name (their third in three years), due out on Svart on October 23.

"Watch the cinematic re-enactment of a mansionite ritual known as the Altar Sermon," the band writes. "It is directed by Artturi Rostén. Mansion's score for the captured moments includes a duet with Alma and traveling preacher Matteus. The soundtrack will be released bearing the title Altar Sermon. The turn side of the release contains the song 'Traitor's Dirge.' In the song the treacherous Tilda Reunanen regrets her involvement in our cause and is sentenced to the everlasting fires of hell."

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Otsikko: Vs: Mansion: Altar Sermon mLP + uus musavideo linjoilla
Kirjoitti: Vekenator - 12:44:48 - 27.10.2015
Vinyylien pitäis saapua varastoon tämän viikon aikana. B-puolen biisi striimattavana täällä: (