PRIMATE GEEZER: "Night Of The Long Pork" EP (2020)

Aloittaja AQ, 16:01:51 - 27.11.2019

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- Uunituoreen kokoonpanon martcorea Turun Martista...


  • MC Snitch - Vocals
  • Diz Aweder - Guitar
  • Kaye Ozz - 2nd Guitar
  • Didi Stroy - Bass
  • Dumbo Machine - Drums
"Fuck the system!" It sounds so cool but what it really means is "Fuck you!"
The system is what You're creating in thoughts, in action, in loving, in hating...

System - You are the One...


- Koko neljän biisin EP on nyt kuunneltavissa sekä Youtubessa että Bandcampissä. Jälkimmäisessä vaihtoehdossa myös mahdollisuus koko julkaisun lataamiseen ILMAISEKSI.
"Fuck the system!" It sounds so cool but what it really means is "Fuck you!"
The system is what You're creating in thoughts, in action, in loving, in hating...

System - You are the One...