ma 21.11. Bar Ö: Oldseed (can) + 2

Aloittaja karol, 12:57:49 - 21.11.2016

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Maanantaina 21.11. kanadalainen singer-songwriter Oldseed soittaa Suomen kiertueen viimeisen konserttinsa Turussa Bar Ö:ssä. Illan avaa erikoisvieras.

Vapaa pääsy. Soittoaika n. klo 21.

"Craig Bjerring, aka Oldseed, creates an outright attack on the general blandness that dominates a world of overrated songwriters. His performances emphasize his sincere, zero-bullshit approach that shines from the musical treasures that are oldseed. His words are personal, haunting and reveal the emotional underpinnings that are woven into his compositions, which often seem soft as a lily in the beginning, only to eventually burst into a beautiful tantrum. This climax is always moving, often unsettling and essentially conceived songwriter craftsmanship at its best. If you believe that we live in sad times when it comes to folk music and the craft of songwriting, that the cheesy and pretentious have taken over and that their dull, lifeless and ugly sound will prevail, you might want think again. listen to songs that could change this notion, they may even change your life. listen to oldseed."

Bar Ö
Linnankatu 7


Tässä tarkemmat tiedot keikasta.

Bar Ö:n maanantain folk-ilta:

OLDSEED (can) - folk / americana

JOHANNA SULALAMPI - depressed folk

DEEPWOODS - acoustic doom

vapaa pääsy

showtime klo 21.00

Linnankatu 7, Turku