Agasia - Korpit LP

Aloittaja papu, 17:08:22 - 02.06.2015

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Jeeei! Mulle yks heti kun tulee  :)


Eipä varmaan tuukkaan sit tässä kuussa :-\


Julkaisu siirtyy elokuulle.



Aikamoista blackmetallia tuo yks biisi tällä levyllä.


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Description: Fresh three-song release Agasia, young Finnish group that plays very high quality, powerful and gloomy mixture of sludge metal and crust! Do not worry that all three songs, classics of the genre each track lasts for 7-11 minutes.


LainaaSuomen Turusta tärähtää toistamiseen, kun synkkää ja mureaa, sludgella maustettua crustia tarjoava Agasia lähestyy kylmine kourineen julkaisullaan Korpit. Kolmen biisin levy on tulikinnasta riippuen joko MLP tai LP, mutta olkoon nyt tässä täyspitkä, kun kerran niin väittävät.

Korpit nojaa myllytyksen ohessa yhtenevään tunnelmaan, ja se kuuluu osin kappaleiden samankaltaisissa sanoituksissa joissa pyörii kalmahenkisyys ja pimeys, eikä niistä valoa juuri löydy. Edellisen EP:n (Vieraantuneet, 2013) myötä kappaleisiin on tullut enemmän mittaa ja yleiseen otteeseen hieman synkkäsävyisempi ilme, jos toisaalta em. EP:kään ei mitään ilon juhlaa ollut. Pitkistä kappaleista huolimatta tasapaino säilyy eikä sisältö kyykkää missään vaiheessa.

Levyn aloitava Raadeltu maa on jaettu kahteen osaan. Sekä Kruunuttomat että sen jatko, Kolmen taivaan jälkeen, nojaavat tiukkaan hc-settiin, mutta jälkimmäinen osio päättyy doomahtavaan mutta melodioiltaan tuskaiseen laahaukseen. Unohdetut soi ensipuoliskollaan osin raa'an ja melankolisen black metalin hengessä, kunnes vaihtaa toisella puoliskolla räväkämmälle crust-vaihteelle. Selvästi päätöskappaleen oloinenkin Korpit jatkaa rivakkaan malliin ja edellisen kappaleen tapaan elää melodisista leadeistaan, mutta viimeistelee itsensä osin koskettimillakin luotuun kaihoisampaan tunnelmaan.

Laulajan kurkkuhuuto on toki lajityypille ominaista, mutta varsin asiallisesta miehen äänenkäyttö käy. Levyn soundipuolikin on sopivan selkeä, vaikka ajoittain pientä puuroutumista onkin havaittavissa. Kokonaisuutena Korpit on kuitenkin tehokasta jälkeä ja bändi onnistuu tarjomaan myös hieman omaleimaisuuttakin tuomiopäivän julistukseensa.


LainaaAs today, while we are on the fringes of the autumn, the sun is shown during forty seven seconds, ca told me intoxicate. Then I decided to take refuge in a cold country, dark, or i not foregt imagesetter. Yes, it is as ca. And what's better than Finland as frigid destination? Nothing, I admit, and it falls well, since I met a funny group who practice a very funny music ...

After a first EP the interminable title in 2013, Vieraantuneet (who certainly wants to say something pertinent, but I do not speak the Finnish), AGASIA proposed since August of the same year a more or less long duration of a little less than half an hour which I confess has left me very perplexed, but really seduced. Three pieces for a LP, it is little, but long seen the style practice. As many of its Nordic counterparts, AGASIA developed a nice sense Crust sharpened, but goes much further in the mixture of styles that at the end of the single first song, we no longer know too well to what/who you are dealing with. The latter, "Raadeltu Maa (I Kruunuttomat - II Kolmen Talven Jälkeen)" lasted in effect more than eleven minutes, which you will agree, is quite unique for a kind which is claimed of brevity and immediacy. But far from being roboratif or repetitive, this titles is a gigantic stuffed everything during which the gang experienced everything it can, with brio.
The basis is resolutely Crust and D-Beat, but many passages very heavy come from altering the ambient velocity, does not hesitate to draw blithely in the Doom, the Sludge, to produce a surprising result, as if the URSUT decide to engage in the compo epic and brutal.
Then ca takes place, with of course a dry sound, matt and ample, and the rhythm takes the coup despite the risk of wear. The edge is shrieked with moderation, the riffs are classic, but this strange development fascinates me, and suddenly, place AGASIA to the crossroads. Certainly, their background is Crust/D-Beat, it cannot be put into question, but this alternation of fury and of gravity the far away from a purity of choice, and seems a little artful dodger in the method. That is important, the result is there, you have ingested a piece of almost twelve minutes, and the rest is almost of the same ilk.

And precisely the two other tracks from this LP/EP (available in vinyl on the bandcamp the group), develop more or less the same thematic complex and dense on more than seven minutes each. "Unohdetut" starts in a deluge of larsen, prior to imposing a heavy tempo and martial. Guitar which remains in the same lineage dark and untied, and before that the double bass drum does not go back on track, suggesting some roots Raw Black surprising. The atmosphere also remains cloudy and heavy, but the influences change again, to such a point that it was suddenly the feeling of having completely changed of niche. Nothing moves for a few minutes, is confining in a aggression compressed and nihilistic, with always this rhythm metronomique which overwrites everything in its path, before that the Finns do not go back into the bosom Crust/D-Beat during a perfect transition and abrupt. the Black morphs into Punk, but violence is not moderate for as much ...

The title track, "Korpit" him adopted the opposite approach, remains classic in its begun, and follows the course of a Crust fairly black-and-down collars, which seems to bring all the despair of the world on his shoulders. And then, in the middle, a new fracture breaks the line right, and the tempo slows down, to veer Hardcore almost downtempo, leaving the battery once more accentuate the fractures of its constant breaks. The long final in coda does not deviate more than this choice, and the intensity increases in crescendo, before that silence cannot be imposed..

This is an album which gives the area a reflection. If the first few minutes seem to presage a certain uniformity, it is soon broken to allow AGASIA to explore several different paths, while maintaining this consistency of thy close enough of the Depressive Black, based on melodies sober and sad, and a power that is spreading at his whim.
That all this be Crust, D-Beat, sludge, Hardcore or even Black matters little, the mixture is tasty, and breath a freezing wind on your ears. May be a new style in gestation, in any case a nice dynamic.

What album bizarre in any case, far from everything from ...

Want, the sun returns ... It has the understanding that i needed to warm up.